Is Space an Abscence of Things or is It a Thing Itself? [Science Video]

Since the days of Ancient Greece, philosophers and scientists have been wondering: What is space? Is the absence of things… a thing? These questions continued to fascinate physicists in the modern era, leading Isaac Newton, Ernst Mach, and Albert Einstein to wonder about the true nature of the fabric of the cosmos. The search for […]

Nathan Fillion is an Evil Man

Yesterday, Nathan Fillion posted the picture below on Instagram along with a few words: “What do you want to believe we talked about?” Please note that the pic might take a few seconds to load. What do you want to believe we talked about? @alantudyk @baccarin.morena @charissabarton photo credit Une publication partagée par Nathan Fillion […]

Wil Wheaton Gets Reunited With His Original Wesley Crusher Uniform

After 30 years, Wil Wheaton recently got reunited with his original ensign uniform from Star Trek: TNG, and unsurprisingly, it doesn’t fit anymore. A lot of us tend to get “thicker” as we grow older unfortunately. It doesn't fit, but it sure was cool to see and hold Wesley's acting ensign uniform for the first […]