First ‘Moon’ Spotted Outside Our Solar System

Astronomers may have detected a moon from outside of our solar system for the first time. Either way, they’ve definitely come up with a terrible pun. The ‘candidate moon’ is formerly known as Kepler-1625b but has been nicknamed a “Nep-moon” because it’s a similar size and mass to Neptune. That would give it a radius […]

Thank You Peter – The Best of the Twelfth Doctor [Video]

To say thank you, here’s a celebration of Peter Capaldi’s best Doctor Who moments as the Twelfth Doctor, released at San Diego Comic-Con 2017. From his first moments in Series 8 with Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) all the way through to Series 10 with Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) and Nardole (Matt Lucas). [Doctor Who]