The Flute of Destiny [Comic]
[Source: Ryan Hudson – Channelate | Follow Channelate on Twitter | Like Channelate on Facebook]
[Source: Ryan Hudson – Channelate | Follow Channelate on Twitter | Like Channelate on Facebook]
Well, this is the new best thing I have seen on the interwebs in a long time. Just the idea of all the actors who have played Spider-Man and all the actors who have played Batman meeting up in a giant face-off does sound pretty gnarly. Hell, even Lego Batman makes an appearance. And honestly, […]
[Source: Imitation Lobster | Like “Imitation Lobster” on Facebook | Follow “Imitation Lobster” on Twitter]
No Judging: At one point you’ve probably put a finger in your ear and dug out some rather unsightly ear wax, but why does your body produce this yellowy substance in the first place? Find out in this episode of the SciShow! [SciShow]
[Source: James of No Trades Comics | Follow “James of No Trades” on Instragram | Follow “James of No Trades” on Twitter]
Astronomers may have detected a moon from outside of our solar system for the first time. Either way, they’ve definitely come up with a terrible pun. The ‘candidate moon’ is formerly known as Kepler-1625b but has been nicknamed a “Nep-moon” because it’s a similar size and mass to Neptune. That would give it a radius […]
To say thank you, here’s a celebration of Peter Capaldi’s best Doctor Who moments as the Twelfth Doctor, released at San Diego Comic-Con 2017. From his first moments in Series 8 with Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) all the way through to Series 10 with Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) and Nardole (Matt Lucas). [Doctor Who]
A Comic by GEORGE ROTTKAMP and ANDREW BRIDGMAN from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Two comedians face off by telling dad jokes to each other. The first one to laugh loses. Winner with the most points wins. #dadjokes [All Def Digital]
Is being gay genetic, and if so, do we all have a gay gene? Now before some of you freak out, and I expect some will indeed, start by watching the video. All of this is backed by science. Further readings and references: –Can epigenetics explain homosexuality puzzle? –The Biological Basis of Human Sexual Orientation: […]