Look What You Made Arya Do — A Taylor Swift Game of Thrones Parody Music Video
A fantastic Game of Thrones parody of Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” by Youtuber Ginny Di. [Ginny Di]
A fantastic Game of Thrones parody of Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” by Youtuber Ginny Di. [Ginny Di]
Regular Show regularly shows some fantastical and impossible food items – sandwiches that kill you, wings that kill you, skydiving pizza pockets – but few are quite so worthy of recreation as the Ultimeatum, the burger-within-a-burger-between-two-burgers. And ketchup from the Himalayas. Follow along this week to see if we can beat Chef Ajay Maldonaldo at […]
[Source: Uber Tool Comics | Like “Uber Tool Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Uber Tool Comics” on Twitter]
A hard drive with as many as 10 unfinished Terry Pratchett novels has been flattened by a steamroller. But it’s what he wanted. Pratchett had left instructions that any unfinished work be destroyed in just such a manner. He had said he wanted to be sure that nobody was able to complete any works after […]
Stare are the circle (below) for about ten seconds and your brain will eventually perceive it as red! Try it, you’ll see!
The ability to fit a full outfit into your socks is useful for travellers, hikers and anyone going on an overnight trip that can’t be bothered to pack a bag. And it could even be used to pack more outfits in a smaller suitcase for longer trips. [Toby Lerone]
[Source: James of No Trades Comics | Follow “James of No Trades” on Instragram | Follow “James of No Trades” on Twitter]
Plants are constantly under attack. They face threats ranging from microscopic fungi to small herbivores like caterpillars, up to large herbivores like elephants. But plants are ready, with a whole series of internal and external defenses that make them a less appealing meal — or even a deadly one. Valentin Hammoudi explains some of the […]
We live in an era of self driving cars, autonomous drones, deep learning algorithms, computers that beat humans at chess and go, and so on. So it’s natural to ask, will artificial superintelligence replace humans, take our jobs, and destroy human civilization? Or will AI just become tools like regular computers. AI researcher Max Tegmark […]
Thinkgeek has just released this absolutely beautiful Deathly Hallows table lamp that features a wooden base for those that are looking for that “grown-up” look. Please note that death will not come looking for you after you purchase this. The lamp is priced at $79.99, but by using promo code SAVE10AUG17, you’ll save an extra […]