The Amazing Star Wars Action Figure Photography of Sgtbananas

Photographer and Instagram user sgtbananau snaps some amazing action photos of Star Wars action figures that seem to come straight out of the big screen. Be sure to check some our favorites below! The rest of the artist’s collection can be viewed via his instagram profile. View this post on Instagram A post shared by […]

Super Mario Gives Up Plumbing

Nintendo has revealed that Mario, while still super, is no longer a plumber. The news came in an update to Mario’s official character profile on the Japanese Nintendo website. Auto-translated, it reads: Cheerful and cheerful, everyone’s popular. Twin brother, Luigi is a good friend and a name combination. With sports utility, I will do everything cool, […]

A Hilarious Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Spoof [Video]

An animated parody of the Thor: Ragnarok trailers! Join everyone’s favourite zap-happy blacksmith as he contends with his home town going straight to Hela, a creepy adopted brother who never plays it low-key, and the only thing more deadly than a Hulk: a Hulk with a personal grudge. Ragna-rock on! [ArtSpear Entertainment]

The New Firefly 15th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Is Here!

Back in 2003, the DVD edition of Firefly was released to the public, and then, in 2008, the title was released on Blu-Ray. Fast forward to 2017, Fox announced during San Diego Comic Con that a new 15th anniversary blu-ray collector’s edition would become available to the public in September, and lo and behold, that […]