The Evolution of Studio Ghibli Movies (1984 to Today) From Burger Fiction: Studio Ghibli has created so many iconic and beautiful animated movies for decades. We’ve explored all the films from Nausicaรค of the Valley of the Wind to the most recent, When Marnie Was There. Technically, Nausicaรค is not a Studio Ghibli release, but the studio would not be here without it, […]

Die Hard Finally Gets its Own Children’s Christmas Book!

For many geeks, Die Hard is the ultimate Christmas movie, and now, thanks to author Doogie Horner and illustrator JJ Harrison, the classic is now getting the children’s Christmas book treatment! The book is written in the style of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’ and is now available for purchase. [A Die Hard Christmas: The […]

Nanomachines That Drill Through Cancer Cells to Kill Them [Video]

Researchers at Rice, Durham (U.K.) and North Carolina State universities demonstrated in lab tests how rotors in single-molecule nanomachines can be activated by ultraviolet light to spin at 2 to 3 million rotations per second and open membranes in cells. The researchers used motors based on work by Nobel laureate Bernard Feringa, who won the […]