The Never-Ending Game of Dungeons & Dragons (35 Years and Still Going Strong!)

Holy crap that man is one amazing and dedicated dungeon master (and human being!), and he does it all in the name of friendship. What a beautiful story! In 1982, when he was only 14 years old, Robert Wardhaugh sat down to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thirty-five years later, that same game […]

Rick and Morty Sell Out For an Hilarious Old Spice Commercial [Video] Meet Rick’s new friends, a bunch of anthropomorphic invisible “Old Spice” spray bottles. Season 8 probably won’t be here anytime soon, so in the meantime, enjoy this ad. Not quite as funny as the old spice commercials from a few years ago, but very near. [Old Spice Invisible Spray | Via Nerdist]

Upcoming Legend Of Zelda Encyclopedia Comes In Gorgeous ‘Golden Cartridge’ Edition

Deluxe editions are often little more than fancier packaging, but the upcoming The Legend Of Zelda Encyclopedia’s deluxe edition is very fancy indeed. Apart from the gold casing, it also has both the look and (as much as possible with cardboard) feel of a NES cartridge. There’s also a protective sleeve similar to a box […]

Super Impressive “The Nightmare Before Christmas” Piescraper Carousel [Video]

Holy. Crap. Can you imagine how long it must have taken to prepare this “piescraper?” The Nightmare Before Christmas is my all-time favourite holiday movie, and I wanted to do something really special to honour this one-of-a-kind classic film… What better way than to come up with a one-of-a-kind new pie baking technique? Introducing the […]