Kleverness: The World’s Smartest Lighting System

Kleverness is a new lighting system that lets you fully automate your home’s lighting without the need of special bulbs or modifications to your electrical system. Kleverness has only been on Kickstarter for a few days and has already been fully funded, with over $95,000 raised on an initial goal of $50,000. For those interested […]

Spiders Eat Graphene, Spin Superwebts

Researchers say feeding graphene to spiders produces stronger webs. The researchers think it could mean new ways to make parachutes rather than it being the start of a cheap disaster movie. As we’ve covered many times, graphene is made of carbon atoms arranged in a chain of hexagons, somewhat like chicken wire. The material is […]

Movie Sequels That Were Way Better Than The Original

Everyone knows sequels are never as good as the originals — except that every once in awhile, they actually are. In fact, some sequels turn out to be even better than the films that preceded them. These sequels all surpassed the franchise installments they followed — and some are now considered classics in their own […]

Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War Official Trailer

Here is the first official trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, and it’s a GREAT ONE! I got goosbumps watching it! We also finally know the official release date: May 4, 2018. A few notable things: -Black Widow is… blonde? -Captain America has a beard -We see Peter Parker’s Spidey sense -Somehow, Loki got his hands […]