Hilarious Illustrated Chart of Winter Hazards by Gemma Correll [Comic]

You think you’ve escaped the cold, icy grip of winter? You could not be more wrong. Cartoonist Gemma Correll  drew this handy guide to some of the lesser known winter hazards we still are all in danger of encountering. Although the further and further we get from Christmas, the less we have to worry about sentient […]

The Unreasonable Efficiency of Black Holes [Science Video]

This video is about how efficient various reactions are at converting mass to energy (as we know from the Einstein mass-energy equivalence of E=mc^2). Antimatter is very efficient but it is not naturally-occurring. Chemical reactions like fire or explosions are very inefficient. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are better, but not amazing on an absolute […]

Gaming Addiction Officially Recognized

Addiction to video games is a mental health condition according to the World Health Organization. It’s going to add it to an official list used for both diagnosis and statistics. The condition “gaming disorder” is scheduled to be part of the 11th version of the International Classification of Diseases, which is being updated for the […]