Star Trek Klingon Alphabet Fridge Magnets [Pics + Video]

A Star Trek Klingon Alphabet Fridge Magnets kit by Thinkgeek: They’re an approachable teaching tool, whether you’re a Klingon toddler or an adult human ThinkGeek manufacturer. Based on KLI pIqaD, these oversized colorful magnets shaped like letters from the Klingon alphabet make learning fun. They stick to any magnetic surface, whether that’s your fridge or […]

Discover Your Real-Life Roleplaying Stats With the 4d6andMe Stat DNA Discovery Kit

Check out the new 4d6andMe Stat DNA Discovery Kit! No need to provide a blood sample, just a small saliva sample. You’ll then be on your way to discover your real-life roleplay attributes (STRength, DEXterity, CONstitution, INTelligence, WISdom, and CHArisma.) We are excited for you to begin this adventure. Admit it: since the first time […]

DEAL: Save BIG on Storage Solutions for WORLD BACKUP DAY! (SSDs, Hard Drives, Portable HD, Etc.)

Did you know that March 31st is World Backup Day? In honor of the day, Amazon is holding a huge sale on storage solution such as solid state drives, regular hard drives as well as portable ones. They even have some NAS solutions on sale! It’s not everyday that you can get a 480GB SSD […]