Movie Plots Explained Badly #explainafilmplotbadly [Pics]
Here’s a series of tweets where people explain movie plots badly. In fact, these are so bad, they’re actually hilariously good!
Here’s a series of tweets where people explain movie plots badly. In fact, these are so bad, they’re actually hilariously good!
MetaBallStudios has created a video comparing the size of well known video game monsters, from the diminutive (0.08M) Sackboy from Little Big Planet right up to the gigantic (13,000KM) Gongen Wizen from Asura’s Wrath [MetaBallStudios]
[Source: Ellis Comics on Tumblr | Adam Ellis Comics on Facebook | Follow Adam Ellis on Twitter | Adam Ellis (Official)]
The Power Rangers take on the characters from Mortal Kombat in an epic flash mob battle in New York City! [The Super Zeros]
Apple has launched a one-stop shop to download all the data it has stored about you. It’s European-only but will be available worldwide at some point. The “Data and Privacy portal” covers 11 categories of information including Apple ID accounts, game center activity, iCloud contacts and calendars and even activity in retail stores. Users can […]
After building a replica of Rey’s gun from The Force Awakens, Joerg Sprave from The Slingshot channel decided to give the same treatment to Han Solo’s Dl-44 blaster. Check it out! [JoergSprave]
12 profound thoughts some of you might have had in the shower… [wordads] [wordads] [Thunder Dungeon]
[Source: Honey Dill Comics | Like “Honey Dill” on Facebook | Follow “Honey Dill” on Twitter]
I’m surprised at how so many characters got so little screen time! When you watch the movie, the whole thing feels balanced, so I was not expecting this! [The Web | Via GG]
An old barbarian and his talking horse, embark on a suicidal quest to battle a bridge troll. 15 years in the making TROLL BRIDGE is an ambitious odyssey of work in bringing Terry Pratchett’s Discworld to cinematic life. [Snowgum Films]