That Very Special Person We All Know [Comic]
[Source: Pain Train Comics | Like “Pain Train” on Facebook | Follow “Pain Train” on Twitter]
[Source: Pain Train Comics | Like “Pain Train” on Facebook | Follow “Pain Train” on Twitter]
Amazon currently has a great deal on Microsoft’s 3 month Xbox Live Gold membership: Buy 3 months for $24.99, get 3 extra months for free! Just be sure to see this line under the “Special offers and product promotions” section at the product page: “Buy a 3 Month Xbox Live Gold Membership and receive an […]
Etsy user cakeyvoice makes beautiful amigurumi inspiring herself from characters from pop culture and sells them on Etsy. Unfortunately, it seems that she hasn’t made anything in a while, but the characters listed in the “sold” section are absolutely beautiful! [wordads] [Source: Cakeyvoice | Via]
Thanks to Buzzfeed, here are 21 Disney movies retold through Haiku poetry. Haikuna matata!
[Source: Rob Comics | Rob Comics on Instagram]
If you know that seashells are made of basically the same stuff as chalk, you might have wondered why chalk is crumbly but seashells are super tough. This week on Reactions, we explain: The secret’s in the biochemistry. [Reactions]
There’s the Darwin version and the Flying Spaghetti Monster version, but this one is my favorite so far! [The Science Fish Car Emblem | Via]
Edit: A reader just told us that this is now a REAL Alexa skill! Alexa! Fus Ro DAH! Watch the trailer for Skyrim: Very Special Edition, featuring Keegan Michael Key. [Bethesda Softworks] Earlier today at E3 2018, Bethesda revealed more details about the upcoming Fallout 76, including the fact that the prequel will be 4 times the size of Fallout 4 and will take place in the mountains and hills of West Virginia. Be sure to check out the gameplay trailer that was released at the […] If you’re like me, you’ve always wondered how Pringles chips were made. Now, thanks to this video from the folks over at “How It’S Made,” you don’t have to wonder anymore! [How It’s made official]