Stun Gunnin’ [Comic]
[Source: Light Roast Comics | Like “Light Roast Comics” on Facebook]
[Source: Light Roast Comics | Like “Light Roast Comics” on Facebook]
Will these audio illusions trick your ears into hearing someone speak, even though all you are hearing are piano notes? Watch the video and find out! [ASAP Science]
[Source: War and Peas Comics | Like “War and Peas Comics” on Facebook | Follow “War and Peas Comics” on Twitter]
An animated parody of the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailers, in which Owen’s relationship with Blue the Raptor is milked for all it’s worth, Claire’s eyesight is a sticking point and T-Rex chews the scenery. And the cast. [ArtSpear Entertainment]
Watch the inside of a frog light up after it hate several fireflies. [Kids Toys Fun And Games]
Awwwwwww. [Source: Siquia | via The Meta Picture]
From Mental Floss: On today’s episode of Scatterbrained, we’re getting futuristic! We learn some surprising facts about skyscrapers located everywhere from New York City to Shanghai. Our extensive history of robots will take you all the way back to ancient Babylonia. Then we jump ahead in time again to learn about Tesla’s Gigafactory in Nevada. […]
These awesome comic book character motorcycle helmets come from, and even though they’re a little pricey, I’d totally get one if riding a motorcycle would be my thing. The company can even make you a custom helmet if they don’t offer the character you’re interested in. [Source: | Via GA]
Just once flick of the wrist and Limbo can spin for over 4 hours! It also holds the Guiness World Record for the longest spinning mechanical top (it spun for over 27 hours!) Technically, LIMBO is a smart, self-balancing electric gyro, disguised as a beautiful CNC-machined spinning top that spins for hours. Not technically, LIMBO […]
[Source: Jason Calzadilla – The Cannibal Orange on Instagram]