Dorkly Comic: The Biggest Plothole In the Star Wars Prequels

Here’s a comic strip written by @JHallComics from Dorkly. Ok, this one is posted only for the funnies because any self-respecting Star Wars fan knows that this conversation could never happen since Vader has been pulled to the Dark side and seems to have no control over this darkness that has invaded him. This comic […]

Windows Updates Could Get Less Frustrating

Microsoft is trying to make Windows more likely to install updates at a time that won’t annoy users. It says it’s doing this with a “predictive model.” At the moment, Windows will sometimes install an update (and even reboot the machine to complete it) after simply checking that nothing is actively running. Microsoft notes one […]

Private Browsing Mode Confuses Users

Many web users overestimate exactly how private a “private browsing mode” really is according to new research. That’s partly because of confusion in the way browser developers name and explain the modes, which also include “incognito.” Researchers at the University of Chicago and Leibniz University in Hannover ran a study with 460 participants. Each was […]

Japan’s Calendar Could Pose Computer Problems

Japan could be facing its own version of the Y2K bug, with Unicode also affected. It’s all to do with the upcoming abdication of Emperor Akihito. As The Guardian notes, Japan’s date system resets every time a new emperor take over, marking what’s considered a new historical order. Emperor Akihito announced last December that he’ll […]