Is the Dinosaur-Apocalypse Story Wrong?

66 million years ago, a six-mile-wide asteroid, larger than Mount Everest is tall, slammed our planet with the force of ten billion atomic bombs, unleashing giant fireballs, crushing tsunamis, continent-shaking earthquakes, and suffocating darkness. This was the cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, which drove the dinosaurs off the planet almost overnight. Or so we […]

DEAL: eBook Bestsellers for Just $2.99 (The Hobbit, The Little Prince, The Princess Bride, 1984, and More!)

If you’re looking for a few new awesome reads to end the summer, Amazon currently has a sale on some awesome bestsellers right now! Read The Hobbit, The little Prince, The Princess Bride and more for just $2.99 each! additionally, they also have some great deals on science fiction and fantasy books right here! [DEAL: […]

Beautiful Apocalypse Princesses Fan Art [Pics]

These beautiful apocalyptic versions of Disney Princesses come from the mind of artist Tess Fowler, and if you think you’ve seen pictures of cosplayers wearing similar outfit online, you’re totally right! A lot of people have inspired themselves from this artist’s art to create their costumes! [wordads] [wordads] [Source: Tess Fowler]