Disney Princesses Get Warrior Makeovers [Pics]

Most Disney princesses are sweet and non violent, but artist Artemii Myasnikov decided to picture them in an entirely different ways: “One night I was watching the ‘Disenchantment’ series with my wife and we started a discussion on what we like/dislike about the main character. One of the things we both liked is how wasn’t […]

DEAL: CompTIA Certifications Study Guide Bundle (CompTIA A+, Linux+, Security+, Network+, Mobility+) (94% OFF)

Thanks to this study guide, prepare yourself for the CompTIA A+, Linux+, Security+, & More Industry-Leading IT certification exams! Just $69 instead of $1,176 (94% Off!) CompTIA provides industry-leading certifications in a wide range of IT fields that verify that IT professionals have the qualifications and competencies required to work in corporate environments. In this […]

Planned Sequels That Were Completely Abandoned

Sequels are a big business in Hollywood, and every studio loves a franchise. Still, sometimes a movie just can’t pass that initial bar of quality that gets a sequel greenlit in the first place. Filmmakers might have grand plans for a franchise, only to have them thwarted before they can get started because of lousy […]