Deal: Fix Your Gadgets or Computer With This Affordable 45 in 1 Precision Screwdriver Repair Toolkit

With nearly 1000 reviews, this 45 in 1 precision screwdriver repair toolkit is just the thing you need to dissasemble your electronic devices… or your glasses! Just $6.92 instead of $10.99 by using promo code W8SVCAEE at checkout. 45-IN-1 TOOL KIT: This 45-in-1 precise tool kit is a professional interchangeable precision bit tools for electronics, […]

This Cosplayer Transforms Himself into Real Life Versions of Disney Heroes [Pics]

Sure, we see female cosplayers (and even male ones) transforming themselves into Disney princesses all the time, but we rarely see them slip into the skins of male heroes. But now, thanks to Jonathan Stryker, we can finally admire someone who can really transform himself into real life versions of animated Disney male characters. Behold: […]

Did You Know? Sharks are Attracted to the Sound of Death Metal

Did you know: Shark are attracted to the sound of death metal because the music mimics the “low frequencies of struggling fish.” The team trades chum for music, hoping to strike a chord with nearby great whites. Luckily (or not), great whites have an ear for death metal. [Discovery | Via BoingBoing]