First Contact [Comic]
[Source: The Memory Card is Full]
[Source: The Memory Card is Full]
MIT’S new mini cheetah robot is the first four-legged robot to do a backflip. At only 20 pounds the limber quadruped can bend and swing its legs wide, enabling it to walk either right side up or upside down. The robot can also trot over uneven terrain about twice as fast as an average person’s […]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook | Follow Dragonarte on Twitter]
A toilet paper holder shaped like Thor’s Hammer? Seriously, geeks, it doesn’t get much better than that. The toilet paper holder comes with mounting slots, allowing you to easily install it on the wall of your bathroom, or you can simply use it as a stand-alone support! Enter the magical world of superheroes with this […]
A new redband trailer for the upcoming Hellboy reboot! Hellboy – In theaters April 12, 2019. Starring David Harbour, Milla Jovovich, and Ian McShane, Sasha Lane, Penelope Mitchell, with Daniel Dae Kim. [Lionsgate Movies]
[Source: Tommy Siegel on Instagram]
Try these study tips when you are down to the wire! [AsapSCIENCE]
A fantastic violin cover of the Ballad of the Wind Fish from Zelda “Link’s Awakening” by the always amazing Taylor Davis. [Taylor Davis]
[Source: @Codesthetoad]
[Sorce: Farah Khandaker | Farah Khandaker on Instagram | Farah Khandaker Illustrations on Facebook]