Monopoly Has a New Game of Thrones Edition

Sure, there was another version of Game of Thrones Monopoly, but this one is much nicer and comes with a musical iron throne card holder, house sigil take tokens, GOT themed money, and holdfasts and castles instead of houses and hotels. Game of Thrones meets the fast-dealing property trading game in this Monopoly game for […]

Why Do Compressed Air Cans/Gas Dusters Get REALLY Cold?

This video is about compressed air cans (aka gas dusters) and why they get cold when you spray them. They cool off because the refrigerant inside (1,1-difluoroethane) is under pressure and boils off when the pressure lowers, and energy lost to the latent heat of vaporization cools the can a lot. Difluoroethane normally boils at […]