Ice Ice Baby – Old School Computer Remix Featuring Stephen Hawking DECtalk Vocals

From BD596: Sorry, It has been a while since my last old school computer remix. Can someone tell me what phone number I am dialing? Hint listen to the other end answer the phone. The audio is optimized for stereo headphones. About 60% of my time was spent programming the DECTalk vocals for Ice Ice […]

The Light Balance Kids Bring Iron Man Back to Life in Amazing Led-Powered Dance Routine

An amazing Iron Man themed dance routine at American’s Got Talent from the Light Balance Kids from Ukraine. Please note that the show (below) starts at around 1:50. The light up dance crew from Ukraine chase their dreams and hope to follow in the glowing footsteps of Light Balance! [America’s Got Talent | Via […]

Making Fun Of Apple’s New $999 Monitor Stand

Apple has recently announced their new Mac Pro, which starts at $5999, and to properly enjoy said Mac Pro, they’re also releasing a $4999 display (pictured above): the Pro Display XDR. But that display does not come with a stand! You have to purchase it separately… for $999! Naturally, people on the Internet were shocked, […]