King of the Bouncy Castle [Comic]
[Source: Tiki Bar Hell/Best Ends Comics on Instagram | Tiki Bar Hell Comics | Tiki Bar Hell on Facebook]
[Source: Tiki Bar Hell/Best Ends Comics on Instagram | Tiki Bar Hell Comics | Tiki Bar Hell on Facebook]
Echo devices are really useful and fun. We have a few at home and we use them all the time. Wether if it’s to play music, ask for the weather, help you with recipes, or manage your smart devices, these little gadgets can do a lot to improve your life. Right now, Amazon has some […]
Over the last few years eating meat has increasingly been associated with health risks, like heart disease, cancer and an early death. How unhealthy is meat really? Find out in this episode of “In a Nutshell.” [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]
Check out these amazing, live action battles featuring the white and green rangers against Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and Ryu from Street Fighter. [Bat in the Sun]
[Source: Swords Comics]
[Source: Dragonarte Comics | Like Dragonarte Comics on Facebook | Follow Dragonarte Comics on Twitter]
“Shamubird has been hearing our iPhone alarms go off for some time now and now he copies it. He even sometimes does it on schedule.” [Viral Hog | Via LS]
Work toward a lucrative coding career with the Legendary Learn to Code Course Bundle, offering over 120 hours of training in multiple programming languages! A total value of $1,917 for a fraction of the price! How it works: Pay what you want! If that’s less than the average price—you’ll still take home something great. Beat […]
This is a demonstration of the conservation of angular momentum using a Hoberman sphere, a plastic sphere frame that can be contracted by pulling on a string. Pulling on the string while the sphere is rotating causes the sphere’s moment of inertia to decrease and its angular speed to increase, demonstrating conservation of angular momentum. […]
[Source: Vector Belly | Like “Vector Belly” on Facebook | Follow “Vector Belly” on Twitter | Based on a tweet by @Jonny_Swags (Deleted Twitter Account)]