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[Source: Tiki Bar Hell on Instagram | Tiki Bar Hell Comics | Tiki Bar Hell on Facebook]
[Source: Tiki Bar Hell on Instagram | Tiki Bar Hell Comics | Tiki Bar Hell on Facebook]
Ever wondered how drones are made? Get the full history and ‘making of’ right here! [Discovery UK]
Here is the reveal trailer of Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics. The isometric strategy RPG will be based on the upcoming Dark Crystal prequel series that’s coming to Netflix in August and will be available on the Nintendo Switch. From what I can see, the game looks a bit like Final Fantasy Tactics. Check […]
[Source: Dogmo Comics | Dogmo Comics on Facebook | Dogmo Comics on Instagram | Dogmo Comics on Twitter]
Nintendo has just announced that a sequel to 2017’s “Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch! Apart from the trailer you see above, nothing is known about the game so far, not even an approximate release date. [Nintendo]
Optical illusions are images that seem to trick our minds into seeing something different from what they actually are. But how do they work? Nathan S. Jacobs walks us through a few common optical illusions and explains what these tricks of the eye can tell us about how our brains assemble visual information into the […]
An awesome series of illustrations picturing Ariel, The Little Mermaid, as an evil sorceress by artist Aleikats. If Ariel was under Ursula’s care and grew up to be her sea witch apprentice. Canonically, Ursula was Ariel’s aunt (but the concept was abandoned.) [Source: Aleikats]
The upcoming Avengers game from Square Enix looks amazing! the only thing that looks a little out of place is the face of most of the Avengers, which look nothing like the faces of the actors portraying the heroes we all know and love. Marvel’s Avengers begins at A-Day, where Captain America, Iron Man, the […]
If you’ve seen Avengers: Endgame, you probably wondered how Ant-Man got out of the Quantum Realm early in the film, right? No explanation is given as to how he got out, but Erin and Adam from Tricksy Wizard have the answer for you! [Source: Tricksy Wizard | Like “Tricksy Wizard” on Facebook | Follow “Tricksy […]
Eerily beautiful! Here is a fantastic cover of Radio Head’s Paranoid Android performed on a theremin by musician Cihan Gulbudak. Enjoy! [Cihan Gulbudak | Via TA]