Kylo Ren Cat is Strong With the Force [Video]
The Jedi Order must come to an end. Kylo Ren Cat is here to finish what his grandfather started. [Kaipotainment]
The Jedi Order must come to an end. Kylo Ren Cat is here to finish what his grandfather started. [Kaipotainment]
[Source: TheOdd1sOut on Tumblr]
[Source: Texts from Superheroes]
If you live in the Northern hemisphere, anyway. In the southern hemisphere, due to the coriolis effect, babies are born nine months BEFORE they’re conceived. [Source: XKCD]
[Source: Anything about Nothing Comics | Like “Anything About Nothing” on Facebook | Follow “Anything About Nothing” on Twitter]
Quentin Tarantino is one of the most acclaimed directors of all time. His movies are inventive, imaginative, and flip the scripts on their heads. In all his creative genius, his biggest triumph is connecting all of his movies in the same universe. This may seem like a crazy thought, but if you think about it, […] A short deleted scene from Avengers: Endgame showing the Avengers paying homage to Tony Stark on the battlefield a few moments after his death. I’m not sure why the scene was not included, but here’s what Joe and Anthony Russo told USA today: It’s a beautiful scene with moving performances, but we filmed it […]
From Mathieu Sterm: This lens spent 100 years in the dark, the last thing it captured must have been the horrors of World War I … I think it was time to use it for something more light and positive. I took this Kodak Vest Pocket camera lens with me for a short trip to […]
[Source: Shitty_Watercolour on Reddit]
It’s that Thor: Ragnarok fight scene between Hulk and Thor… but with lightsabers, and as we all know, lightsabers make everything better. Watch part I and II below: [ImmersionVFX]