Iron Dog and Spider-Cat [Comic]
[Source: Scribbly G Comics | Scribbly G on Facebook | Scribbly G on Twitter | Scribbly G on Instagram]
[Source: Scribbly G Comics | Scribbly G on Facebook | Scribbly G on Twitter | Scribbly G on Instagram]
Twitter users are going at it about a math equation posted by @pjmdolI. What do you consider to be the correct answer? I came up with one. So did a lot of other folks. But just as many say the answer is 16! What I dont understand is why no one is testing the answers […]
[Source: Like “Tricksy Wizard” on Facebook | Follow “Tricksy Wizard” on Instagram | Follow “Tricksy Wizard” on Twitter]
Master the Python essentials and foster in-demand programming skills with insight from 3 Python pros. A value of $123 for a fraction of the price! How it works: Pay what you want! If that’s less than the average price—you’ll still take home something great. Beat the average price ($5.76 as I’m writing this) and you’ll […]
Homeopathy pills and drops aren’t better than sugar pills, and thanks to the American Chemical Society (Reactions on Youtube) you can now all learn why. The use of homeopathic remedies have gone on for nearly 200 years, but so has the progress of science. And that progress has shown us that the foundations of homeopathy […]
[Source: SrGrafo on Reddit]
[Source: Litterbox Comics | Like Litterbox Comics on Facebook | Follow Litterbox Comics on Twitter | Follow Litterbox Comics on Instagram] Believe it or not, even though the show looked absolutely perfect on television, things did not always go according to plan while filming Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. [pressmin | Via LS]
‘You lick it you keep it’ could very well be the most important rule of the street. [Viva la Dirt League]