Who Was Your First Crush? [Comic]
[Via Memembase]
[Via Memembase]
From Bellowphone: I demonstrate the sound of my most recent skweeze-ball instrument with a song from Mozart’s Magic Flute. [bellowphone | Via BoingBoing]
[Source: @InkyRichShaw on Instagram | Inky Rick Shaw]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQrYwwQXNbI Oh boy, it sure is hot outside! How does a spider keep cool in the summer? [Lucas the Spider]
A tank runs over a car at high speed. You know exactly what’s about to happen, but it’s still super entertaining anyways. [demon’s banta box | Via BoingBoing]
[Source: @sorasabi on Instagram]
There are plenty of ways that filmmakers and studios curb the content of their work to appeal to as large an audience as possible. Regardless, there are still some theaters that choose not to show certain films for a variety of reasons, whether they be moral, fiscal, or logistical. Here are a just a few […]
For a long time, most people saw ADHD as “a boy thing.” Today, that mindset has started to shift, but even now, studies report that males get diagnosed significantly more often than females. So, what’s going on? [SciShow Psych]
[Source: Life After the B.O.E. – USA vs UK]
If you ever somehow end up in Middle Earth, this guide lists some of the places where you can eat. If you’ve read the books, you’ll know where the data comes from! :) [Source: pathfinderdwarf on Imgur]