How do viruses jump from animals to humans? [Science Video]
In this video from TED Education, discover the science of how viruses can jump from one species to another and the deadly epidemics that can result from these pathogens. [TED Ed]
In this video from TED Education, discover the science of how viruses can jump from one species to another and the deadly epidemics that can result from these pathogens. [TED Ed]
[Source: Swords Comics]
[Source: Wholesome Comics]
How many different lightsabers are there in the Star Wars universe? Let’s see, Darth Maul had one that swung both ways, and Kylo Ren had those weird side lasers where a guard should be, but to a casual fan, the rest come in straight weapons of red, blue, or green -except for Mac Windu’s purple […]
[Source: Cinismoilustrado]
Not using the Oxford comma? Here are 5 reasons why you should use it! –Tmp – –Shortee on Tumblr –Cafe Press on Amazon –sayingimages
Low on health and running out of options? No problem just pause and figure out a plan… [Viva la Dirt League]
Has the Internet ruined you? Yep, it most definitely did as far as I’m concerned! [Via Cheezburger]
[Source: @pastillustrator]
[Via TMP]