The high-stakes race to make quantum computers work

Quantum computers could eventually outstrip the computational limits of classical computers. They rely on the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles, whose quantum states are incredibly fragile and easily destroyed— which is why this technology remains largely theoretical. How would quantum computers work, and are they really possible? Chiara Decaroli investigates. [TED Ed]

Computer Security Geek Changes License Plate to “NULL”; Idea Backfires Big Time

If you’re a computer security geek, getting a vanity plate on your car to tell the world about your passion might not be such a good idea. A security researcher named Droogie had his license plate inscribed with “NULL” at one point in the past, and, as he told attendees at the DEF CON conference […]

Introducing Evermore: How YOU Can Become a Sentient Youtube Explainer Cartoon

From Victoria Hogan: “My fiancee and I made a short film about creativity, yearning, and the scary forces of technology that might interact with those desires. More than a few people have called this a ‘Three Minute Black Mirror Episode’ – though to me, it’s more about living with the difficulties of pursuing your passion […]

Learn All About Python With the Python Programming Bootcamp 2.0

The Python Programming Bootcamp 2.0 is a revamped, beginner-friendly 37+ hours course about one of the world’s top and most used programming languages. For a limited time, get the course for just $19 instead of $1,293. What’s included: -Fast Track Python for Newbies -Learn Python Image Processing by Making Instagram-Style Filters -Create a Raspberri Pi […]