Become a Cloud Pro With The Complete Google Cloud Mastery 8-Course Bundle (97% Off)

With the Complete Google Cloud Mastery 8-Course Bundle, delve into one of today’s fastest growing platforms (in 58 hours!) to unlock a lucrative new career. Just $39 instead of the MSRP of $1,392. What’s included: -Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer Bootcamp -Google Cloud Platform for AWS Professionals -Become a High Earning Cloud Architect -Google […]

An A.I. Attempt (Rather Badly) to Explain Star Wars “A New Hope” [Video]

Here is what happens when an A.I. watches Star Wars and tries to explain it… The Star Wars was fought in space, with two heroes, R2-D2 and C-3PO. With help form their owner Luke, his friend the homeless ObiWan Kenobi, they save the space form evil. From the planet of Tatooine, with the help of […]