A Video Tour of the Jaw-Dropping Art Installations of Burning Man 2019

Youtuber Shalaco trveled over 200 miles exploring all the various art installations at Bruning Man 2019, and he didn’t even see them all. Here is a taste of what he saw out there. Shot on a Onewheel XR, GoPro Hero 7 and 6D MK II. Also, this chair: https://twitter.com/Steampunk_T/status/1169632353758732295 [Shalaco]

The Comprehensive IT Master Class Bundle (112 Hours of Expert Instruction) (98% Off)

Catalyze your IT career today with over 100 hours of training in security, cloud computing, networking and more! Just $29 instead of the suggested MSRP of $1500. -Access 112 hours of expert instruction -Foster skills in IT networking, security & more -Access prep material for CompTIA’s A+ & Network+ certifications -Dive into Office 365 & […]

SO ADORABLE: Dad Plays Dungeons and Dragons With His 3-Year-Old Daughter

A inspiring video from Benjamin Jabe showing how he plays a simplified version of Dungeons and Dragons with his young daughter. As a dad myself, I totally approve of this! What a wonderful way to transmit your passion to your kids! I started playing very simplified game of Dungeons and Dragons with my 3.5 year […]