Mommy, How Did Daddy Die? [Comic]
[Source: SrGrafo]
[Source: SrGrafo]
The intensity of an early 80’s video game is on full display, as a kid sits so close to the television that you can clearly discern his gameplay, even when the camera is focused on nothing but the glasses on his face. The gamer also shares Centipede’s basic premise in the form of a rudimentary […]
Chad Riden’s grandma turned 101 years old. When her children ordered the birthday cake, they said she would be “one hundred and one.” So the decorator wrote a hundred, then a one. Here she is, trying to look upset, but you know she’s suppressing a giggle. A discussion on the wording of numbers tells us […]
When the Hoover Dam was completed, it created a huge source of hydroelectric power and zapped a sleepy desert town to life: Las Vegas, Nevada. With the power supply from the dam, Las Vegas soon exploded with vibrant displays. The source of these dazzling lights was electrified neon gas. In this special 360ยฐ animation, explore […]
A fantastic Little Mermaid themed parody of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” by German artist and cosplayer Liechee Cosplay. This is really cute! From Liechee Cosplay: After an idea for many years and 3 months of planning and work I’m more than happy to show you our first parody of the film “The Little […] Here is the trailer for Marvel’s upcoming Infinity Saga box set, a collection of movies featuring the 23 films that led to the epic conclusion we all saw in Endgame. The trailer was released at San Diego Comiccon this summer, but Marvel has finally made it available on Youtube yesterday! Phase 4 won’t start […]
Here’s a quick video of an adorable dog dressed as Chuckie wielding a knife. Is he after you for kisses, or does he simply want to stab you? Chucky costume for dog? Take my money, please. #horror #horrorfans — FavoriteHorror (@FavoriteHorror) September 18, 2019 [Source: @FavoriteHorror on Twitter]
Prepare yourself to see something you’ve never seen before: Two robotic vacuums falling in love… From Philip Bloom: Not my usual type of video for sure but it was too cool and funny not to make a little edit out of. This is 100% not fake or staged. At 3am every day my robot vacuums […]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is cosplayer and imgur member danpio1309 wearing his Darth Bender costume at Dragon Con 2019. Don’t you just love that the front of the costume opens to reveal a stocked mini bar with a pinup photo of Slave Leela? [Source: Imgur member danpio1309]