Human-Like Robotic Hand Solves Rubik’s Cube [Video]

Impressive! From OpenAI: Since May 2017, weโ€™ve been trying to train a human-like robotic hand to solve the Rubikโ€™s Cube. We set this goal because we believe that successfully training such a robotic hand to do complex manipulation tasks lays the foundation for general-purpose robots. We solved the Rubikโ€™s Cube in simulation in July 2017. […]

Accent Party Tricks: How to Tell Accents Apart [Video]

From Wired: Have you ever had a hard time telling the difference between an Aussie and a Kiwi accent? Dialect coach Erik Singer breaks down the subtle differences between a few commonly confused regional accents. What actually makes a New York and Boston accent different? What’s the main differentiator between a northern and southern English […]