Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker – The “Final” Trailer [Video]

Buckle up you scruffy nerf herders: Disney has finally released the “final” trailer for Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Press play below and get ready to force choke anyone who interrupts. This is the trailer you were looking for! (Seriously, don’t choke anyone, it was just a joke!) But why did I put “final” in […]

How to Make a Terrifying Zombie Groundbreaker Animatronic at Home [Videos]

Want to make the most terrifying Halloween lawn ornament ever? Instructable user Trimbandit made this really scary animated zombie groundbreaker using two pneumatics to make the thing appear as it’s clawing its way out of the ground. Watch: (There’s also a really cool animated hangman in the video.) And here’s the mechanism: From Trimbandit: *NOTE* […]