U.K.’s Royal Mail Honors Oldschool British Computer Games With New Stamps

The U.K.’s Royal Mail has just released a gorgeous series of stamps honoring British-made computer games. Most are oldschool classics such as Lemmings, Populous, the Original Wipeout, but there’s a few featuring various Lara Croft games too. The basic set goes for £8.92, but there’s plenty of other ones too! Two First Class stamps, two […]

Confused About How Time Passed in The Witcher? This Handy Timeline Will Fix That!

If, like us, you were a little confused by how time passed in the witcher and with which scene happened when, here is a handy timeline to help you understand it all. Be sure to click on the picture for a larger version! The Witcher has received a lot of adulation recently. According to Business […]

Artist Creates Gorgeous Oldschool Mandalorian Comic Book Covers

Now that the first season of The Mandalorian is over and that the whole Star Wars fandom is mourning and unsubscribing from Disney Plus en masse, many artists are keeping the show alive in our minds with awesome fan art! Here is a series of gorgeous faux Star Wars Mandalorian comic book cover from artist […]

Fans React to New Playstation 5 Logo

So Sony unveiled their new PS5 logo yesterday at their CES press conference. Behold: Daring, isn’t it? Naturally, fans reacted quite strongly to the unveiling: Sony's lead graphic designer coming up with the #PS5 logo#SonyCES pic.twitter.com/7xOJXBWHCF — chris (@bagel_chris) January 7, 2020 Jim Ryan at CES: we’re excited to share our new logo for PS5 […]