Ben & Jerry’s Unveils New “Netflix and Chill” Ice Cream; No Jokes!

What goes perfectly with binging a show on Netflix? A pint of delicious Ben & Jerry’s ice cream! It might not be all that good for our waistlines, but it’s perfect for our souls! With that in mind, the good folks over at Ben & Jerry’s have created the perfect ice cream flavor for us: […]

Meet Babu Frik: A Extended “Rise of Skywalker” Scene [Video]

While everyone is freaking out over Baby Yoda and ordering the little guy’s plush toys and figurines, I’m there in the back clamoring for a Babu Frik plush! Ok, so let’s get to the point now: Disney has just released an extended version of the scene featuring Baby Frik in Rise of the Skywalker, so […]