Your Date isn’t Coming [Comic]
[Source: @okokartist on Instagram]
[Source: @okokartist on Instagram]
A fatastic series of comics by artist @bunboiarts explaining some of the most popular classes you can play in D&D!
Are you wanted for murder in Red Dead Redemption 2? Just hide in a bush! Simple enough, right? [VLDL]
[Source: See Bang Now on Instagram]
Unfortunately, this small LEGO diorama was entirely rendered in Studio 2.0, but the 398-part model looks real enough! Created by Redditor beagletank using 398 virtual parts. [Source: beagletank on Reddit]
[Source: @JustJonComic on Instagram]
From Nerdist: We’d like to take you on a legendary journey back to the days of 90s high fantasy. In this newest Nerdist Remix we see how “The Witcher” could have held the throne and dominated your tube TV. So, when the time of the sword and the axe is nigh, chaos beckons and destiny […]
Om nom nom nom. [Perpetual Pizza | Via TN]
A demonstration of the combustion of hydrogen-filled soap bubbles. Since hydrogen is lighter than air, the bubbles rise up quickly, and when they hit a flame, they explode. [Periodic Videos]