Baby Teeth [Comic]
[Source: The Crowbar Comics on Instagram]
[Source: The Crowbar Comics on Instagram]
Did you know that we’re currently holding a big t-shirt and mask sale? For the next few hours, all our tees are priced at just $13 and Teepublic’s geeky face mask are $8! Getting a t-shirt (or a few) from our store is a great way to support us! We’ve added plenty of new designs […]
You have been watching, in order of appearance: “Too Fat Polka” – Jawaddles “Wrecking Ball” – Rizatch “Pumped Up Kicks” – liquid_jim “Best Song Ever” – Billy Crinion “Gangnam Style” – AdamX “Call Me Maybe” – Danielle Weller “Scream and Shout” – ComicDud “Somebody That I Used to Know”- Claclalalaa “Timber” – KaiPiez “Sexy And […]
[Source: @InkyRichShaw on Instagram | Inky Rick Shaw]
From That Works: In this episode we forge a Viking Spear using as close to historical materials and methods as possible. We make Steel from Iron using a sheer steel or blister steel method of carborizing. We forge the spear socket from wrought iron and do a multibar twisted core with a blister steel edge […]
A totally hilarious message exchange between massage therapist “Amber Says” and a mandalorian scammer. ** This is a well known scam/routine in the LMT community. These guys ask your race and try to get personal info from you and offer limo rides or to “take you out on the town” and see how far you […]
Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts. Ain’t no one gonna mess with Cthulhu in the grocery line! This Cthulhu face mask is the perfect face mask for all you fans of HP Lovecraft out there! Available with or without tentacular appendage! Ok, that […]
And this is why geese are jerks. [Source: @ToonZach on Twitter]
A bunch of celebrities cover Weird Al’s “Eat It” from home, including Jack Black, Bryan Cranston, and Weird Al himself! [Official David Cross]
YouTuber Funk Turkey (previously) fed lyrics from AC/DC songs into a Markov chain and generated a new AC/DC song. The lyrics make about as much sense as you’d expect, but this is definitely an AC/DC song. The real test would be to drop this into a playlist of a fan and see how they react. […]