Quite Possibly The Greatest Internet Ad Ever [Video]
This is quite possibly the greatest Internet had of all time. Is glitch-face, the spinny wheel and slow loading pages part of your daily routine? You might have badnet. [Chorus]
This is quite possibly the greatest Internet had of all time. Is glitch-face, the spinny wheel and slow loading pages part of your daily routine? You might have badnet. [Chorus]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: System32 Comics on Facebook | System32 Comics on Instagram | System32 Comics on Twitter]
From Mike Booth: All 3D animation was done in Blender, an awesome (and completely free) animation software. Shoutout to those behind the MB-Labs plugin for Blender which I used to create the base models for Lion-o, Cheetara, Tygra, Panthro, WilyKit and WilyKat. Lightning and smoke effects were done in Adobe After Effects. Edited in Premiere […]
[Source: @bunboiarts]
The first few movies based on video games didn’t exactly give a great reputation to the genre. However the fourth video game movie to ever be made was Mortal Kombat, and it didn’t do too poorly at the box office– meaning that the FIFTH video game movie ever made was a sequel! It… it wasn’t […]
If you now how to work with leather, Etsy shop LeatherHubPatterns has this fantastic pattern to help you craft your own Alien Facehugger leather face mask. [LeatherHubPatterns on Etsy] Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.
[Source: @theycantalkcomics]
The complete process of publishing a scientific paper explained in a comic-style infographic by Katie Everson. For those interested, the infographic is available as a poster on Data Worth Seeing. “I mentioned scientific journals to a friend recently and they asked “oh like National Geographic?” And I realized lots of people might not be familiar […]
[Source: @jdrift01]