Roll Your Human to Attack! [Comic]
Want these guys on a t-shirt? The artist, Andre Muller, has some amazing designs over at his online shop! Be sure to check ’em all out! [Source:]
Want these guys on a t-shirt? The artist, Andre Muller, has some amazing designs over at his online shop! Be sure to check ’em all out! [Source:]
In the past 3,000 years, many populations have evolved genetic adaptations to their local environments. People in Siberia and the high arctic are uniquely adapted to survive extreme cold. The Bajau people can dive 70 meters and stay underwater for almost 15 minutes. So what are other recent changes? And will our technological innovations impact […]
How The Mandalorian (S#1) should have ended according to the folks over at HISHE. This is the way… or is it? [Hishe]
I’m a huge Star Wars nerd, but I’ve never considered getting one of Sideshow’s collectible statues until the life-sized “Baby Yoda” was unveiled ealier this year, and now, this new “Mythos” statue of General Obi-Wan Kenobi. But I’m not getting this one considering the current situation we’re all in. As Obi-Wan would say: “It takes […]
[Source: @sveninframes]
Ariana Piknjac is a talented flutist that covers pop culture theme songs on her channel, and she does it beautifully! Check out some of our favorite covers of hers below! [Ariana Flute]
Sony has just released this fantastic video giving us a first look at the internal components of the PS5. It looks like an amazingly well-built console, allowing users to easily upgrade storage without compromising internal hardware. [PlayStation]
Video artist Joaquim Campa took Louis Lumière’s iconic footage from 1896 featuring a snowball fight in the streets of Lyon, France, remastered and colorized it, and re-released it for all to enjoy. For those who don’t know, Lumière is an engineer who played a key role in the development of photography and cinema back in […]
[Source: Swords Comics]
Warning: Mandalorian Episode 8 Spoilers lay within. Watch at your own risk. Although if you haven’t seen it by now I’m not really sure why you’d be watching this anyway. Spoiler alerts are weird. Click or don’t click, live your life. [Funk Turkey]