The Lamp [Comic]
[Source: @raph_comic]
[Source: @raph_comic]
How Dungeons and Dragons characters flirt according to Youtuber, artist, and cosplayer Ginny Di. If you don’t want to listen to the intro, the interesting part starts at around 1:13. Warning: Please note that some of these are a little nsfw! [Ginny Di]
A Rube Goldberg machine that makes a P&B sandwich and vote simultaneously? Sign me in! It’s really five mini machines. One puts down bread, the next puts on peanut butter, then a machine for jelly and so on. The last machine feeds it to me bite by bite! Spent almost four months on this machine. […]
[Source: @baldstache]
Play-Doh has just released a new line of putty for adults called “Play-Doh for Grown Ups.” With scents such as Overpriced Latte, Mom Jeans, Grill King, Dad Sneakers, Spa Day, and Lord of the Lawn, the new products are meant to evoke everyday things that bring adults joy, like brand-new shoes or freshly cut grass. […]
[Source: @wheatcomics]
Check out Disney’s new animatronic robot that simulates a lifelike gaze when interacting with meatbags such as us, lowly humans. Super creepy yet impressive, isn’t it? From The Disney Research Hub: This video describes the development of a system for lifelike gaze in human-robot interactions using a humanoid animatronic bust. We present a general architecture […]
To celebrate Back to the Future day, which was October 21st, and the movie’s 35th anniversary, Universal Pictures released this wonderful compilation of fan-made animations to recreate the iconic 80s classic. Check it out! [Universal Pictures]
[Source: @InkyRichShaw on Instagram | Inky Rick Shaw]