A Compilation of Amazing Effects and Optical Illusions [Video]
From Kevin Lustgarten: Here’s a compilation of some of the optical illusions I’ve made. Hope you enjoy them! [Kevin Lustgarten]
From Kevin Lustgarten: Here’s a compilation of some of the optical illusions I’ve made. Hope you enjoy them! [Kevin Lustgarten]
[Source: @disorganizedjoy]
Here is a wonderful compilation of traditional Trekmas carols such as Enterprise Rock, Tuvok, the Vessel’s Vulcan, and Wonderful Deep Space Nine. Enjoy! [Via Neatorama]
[Source: @sskaitcomics]
Thanks to The Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp Certification Bundle, learn how to build sophisticated websites and apps in no time with 42 hours of content on Ruby Rails programming, WebDev, ActionCable, and more! Just $35.99 instead of the bundle’s MSRP of $1,000 (96% off.) What’s included: -2020 Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp […]
[Source: @SecretGoblinComics]
[Source: @iammesutkaya]
Produced with a total budget of $5000, Raven is an amazing short film that dates back to 2010 by Peruvian filmmaker Ricardo de Montreuil. The movie features Chris Black, a man who possesses a power that could lead to the destruction of an alternate version of Los Angeles and its totalitarian regime.
YouTuber pwnisher staged a contest for digital animators, in which they each took a simple prompt and created unique environments around it. The winners are named at the YouTube page. Here are the entries strung together. The only thing they have in common is the rear view of a character walking toward a mountain in […]
[Source: @idiotoftheeast]