There’s Always One [Comic]
[Source: @ordinaryhaircut]
[Source: @ordinaryhaircut]
Yes, fake gamers do exist. Here’s how to spot them. [Source: BF on Tumblr]
[Source: College Humor]
Satisfying, isn’t it? [Daily Reddit Videos | Via BoingBoing]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
The Batman theme arranged for eight cellos by cellist Samara Ginsberg. Enjoy! [Samara Ginsberg]
2021 is here! To welcome the new year, geek hero Jack Black decided to post a video of himself dancing while wearing a speedo… and an Iron Man helmet. Watch, it’s hilarious: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jack Black (@jackblack)
A Science dude gets filmed while talking about nuclear power… and then a wild George Lucas appears. What are the odds? Watch below: In case you want to watch the full thing, here it is. The part featuring George starts at 50:30 [wilightVomit | Via BIS]
[Source: Ryan Hudson – Channelate | Follow Channelate on Twitter | Like Channelate on Facebook]
I’ve seen a few holiday house light shows so far this year, but this Star Wars themed one located in Pasadena, California, is my favorite so far! [Andy Harbeck]