Salesmanship [Comic]
[Source: @ordinaryhaircut]
[Source: @ordinaryhaircut]
On May 25, 1977, a pop culture phenomenon was born. After months of hype, a movie called Star Wars hit theaters. But what was it really like seeing the film back in 1977? We’ve gathered accounts from filmmakers, journalists, and fans to take us back to a galaxy far, far away. While it took a […]
Ok, I don’t really know why these exist, but they do! These super “jacked” Pokémon figures are available in 4 versions: Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. All are available for purchase over at Amazon for aboug $34. A small price to pay for possession of such glorious figures! [Bodybuilding Pokémon Figures] Please note that Geeks […]
[Source: @goosesongcomics]
Oreo has recently started offering some Lady Gaga inspired versions of their iconic cookie, but to me, one of the four designs looks like Mewtwo from Pokémon. Behold: The official product description: Just Dropped Lady Gaga fans will celebrate this limited edition OREO! Inspired by her album, Chromatica, and her “Little Monsters,” the pink-colored OREO […]
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par bang dhan 🔥 (@dhanypramata) [Source: @dhanypramata]
Back in July, Lego artist “legotruman” released a conceptual Lego Idea set based on Vincent Van Gogh’s iconic Starry Night painting. Fast forward to February 2021, LEGO has just announced that they will be releasing an official set based on legotruman’s gorgeous creation! From the official LEGO Idea blog: A huge congratulations to Truman Cheng […]
Twitter user @SmallBuStudio has never seen The Mandalorian, and in this animated video, she attempts to explain it. As you’ll see, she’s surprisingly right most of the time! [@SmallBuStudio]
[Source: @_workchronicles]
From Kohl Kitzmiller: I remember sitting in my 7th grade science class, being the nerd I was, trying to memorize the periodic table of elements in order. I got to about 40 memorized until I realized there was more to life. It wasn’t until a couple months ago that I realized that the periodic table […]