Insanely Popular Video Game Dances – Flip Flap [Comedy Sketch]
Going afk and dancing in an NPC’s personal space could be kind of… awkward for a self aware NPC. [VLDL]
Going afk and dancing in an NPC’s personal space could be kind of… awkward for a self aware NPC. [VLDL]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: Things in Squares Comics | Like “Things in Squares” on Facebook | Follow “Things in Squares” on Twitter]
[Source: @berkeleymews]
From game development to making responsive apps, this 20-course collection has everything you need to start coding! A total value of $3732 for a fraction of the price! How it works: Pay what you want! If that’s less than the average price—you’ll still take home something great. Beat the average price ($15.78 as I’m writing […] This cover of Hans Zimmer’s Interstellar theme by lutist Naochika Sogabe is one of the most beautiful interpretations of the song I have ever heard. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. [Naochika | Via TA]
[Source: @berkeleymews]
Diablo II, one of the best games of all time as far as I’m concerned, is getting remastered in resolutions of up to 4k, featuring full 3D models and new animations! Released a little over 20 years ago, this is the game that defined the action role-playing hack-and-slash genre for many of us! It will […]
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par False Knees (@falseknees) [Source: @falseknees]
[Source: @Raph_comic]