The Simpsons Movie Gets the Honest Trailer Treatment [Video]
14 years after its release, The Simpsons Movie finally gets the “Honest Trailer” treatment it deserves by the folks from Screen Junkies! [Screen Junkies]
14 years after its release, The Simpsons Movie finally gets the “Honest Trailer” treatment it deserves by the folks from Screen Junkies! [Screen Junkies]
In this episode of “Binging with Babish,” show host Andrew Rea recreates the delicious looking sugar/orange chicken recipe from Rick & Morty (S03E10.) He attemps two versions of the recipe, but the second one definitely looks much yummier! [Babish Culinary Universe]
TUBBZ makes adorable rubber duckies based on some of pop culture’s most popular franchises. We’ve featured a few of their designs in the past, including their Batman, Lord of the Rings, and Ghostbusters lines. Now, the folks at TUBBZ have released a new LOTR duck based on Gollum. Behold: They’ve also released a few other […]
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Ben Zaehringer (@berkeleymews) [Source: @berkeleymews]
From Ryan George / Screen Rant: Transformers has been a super huge brand for decades and always a popular product on toy shelves everywhere. The idea of having Michael Bay make a feature-length commercial for them filled with cool cars, military stuff, pretty girls and explosions seemed like a no-brainer! And a no-brainer it definitely […]
[Source: @mildnihilist]
[Source: @cheddarbaconstudios]
NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover safely touched down on the Red Planet on Feb. 18. So what will the robotic scientist “see” on her descent and what will she do next? Join mission experts for update about the rover – the biggest, heaviest, cleanest, and most sophisticated six-wheeled robot ever launched into space – including imagery […]
[Source: @townytowncomics]
It’s the South Park Intro, but instead of using paper-cut characters, game designer and artist Mauri Helme made voxel art versions instead, turning the whole thing into something that looks straight out of Minecraft! [Mauri Helme | Via TA]