This IS the droid we’ve been looking for! [Pic]

Yes, this is indeed the R2D2 swimsuit we’ve featured a few weeks ago, and since a few of you (mainly on Facebook) have shown interest in getting one, I thought you’d all like too see someone real actually wearing it. What? You think I’m posting this just because of the girl? Do you think I’m […]

Thoughts on Going PC: A Decade-Long Mac User Makes Peace with Microsoft

My post from a few weeks ago, detailing why I’d decided to switch to a PC from a Mac, really got some of your blood boiling. While there were a few folks utterly aghast at my decision to nix the shiny world of Apple for the starker, more sterile world of Microsoft, on the whole, […]

Robot Art on Display at MASS MoCa

Robot Art? Yes, indeed, you read that right. Starting October 23, 2010, visitors to MASS MoCA in North Adams, MA, are in for a big surprise: a work of art conceived and created without human hands. From designbloom: …diaz’s ‘geometric death frequency—141’, a sculpture made from 420,000 black spheres made and assembled by robotics. the […]

Meet the Jaguar C-X75 Concept Car: A 205 MPH Hybrid

Goodbye, Prius. If you’re the kind of geek who’s been waiting for a hybrid concept to come along that really turns heads, you’re in luck. Today, as part of its 75th anniversary, Jaguar has released one humdinger of a concept car that’s not only drop-dead gorgeous and energy efficient, but it goes fast, my friends. […]

Metroid’s Samus Goes Burlesque

One of geekdom’s ultimate fantasy women, Metroid star Samus Aran, was recently seen in various stages of undress at a burlesque show in L.A. For those of you with sensitive eyes, don’t worry, you won’t see Samus (as performed by Courtney Cruz of The Devil’s Playground) completely naked in this post, just very lightly clad. […]

Daughter of Convention: The Agony and the Ecstasy of the Con

It’s a rarely disputed fact among the geek contingent that conventions, by and large, are a kind of rite of passage. (If you haven’t gotten the convention achievement, you really should get on that, by the way.) And what’s not to love? There are as many conventions these days as there are fandoms, all across […]