Beautiful Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) Cosplay [Pics]
Check out German cosplayer aigue-marine‘s incarnation of DC’s fifth Batgirl, Stephanie Brown. Pictures by deviantartists ladycallisto and Zonule. [Aigue-Marine]
Check out German cosplayer aigue-marine‘s incarnation of DC’s fifth Batgirl, Stephanie Brown. Pictures by deviantartists ladycallisto and Zonule. [Aigue-Marine]
[Source: Clowny Princess | Via FG]
[Via: Beat Down Boogie Productions]
As previously mentioned, I was at Comic Con Montreal 2011 last weekend to shoot pictures of costumed people, and while the event wasn’t exactly perfect (I had to wait in line for almost 2 hours to get in, even though I had purchased my ticket online a few days before,) It was still pretty darn […]
Girls of Geek is a yearly calendar focused on beautiful geeky women showing what being a geek is really about! The calendar showcases all things geeky from video games, mobile devices, computers, gaming, comic books, and everything geeky in-between! A portion of all sales will be donated to The Breast Cancer Research Fund. [Source | […]
The only reason I’m posting this is to show you guys how people drink water while in a state of weightlessness. There’s absolutely no other reason apart from my will to educate you, dear readers. Yes, yes, I know… I’m such a good and well-intentioned person, no need to thank me.
Ok, so I tought this lady was one of the prettiest Supergirls I’ve ever seen, but she has competition now. Here are a few awesome pictures featuring Deviantart user EnjiNight costumed as the “girl of steel.” Enjoy! Edit: Nope, the girl isn’t jailbait. Her Facebook fan page states that she is 20 years old. ;) […]
In case you were worried Stan’s not getting enough attention, the legendary comics creator has evidence of his perfectly normal life full of cosplaying ladies. He says: Not many warriors would pose for such a dangerous photo, but thy beloved Generalissimo snaps his mighty fingers in the face of fear! We’re guessing this was just […]
Yep, yesterday was the last day at Dragon*Con 2011. Who among you guys had the chance to attend? How was the event compared to last year? Let us know in the comments section below! We’ve already posted galleries for day 1, day 2, and day 3, so all that’s missing now are picture from day […]
Our pals from The Screen Team have recently released a new video featuring a Pokemon-themed parody of LMFAO’s Party Rock Anthem, and I must say, this one is quite interesting…. hmmm… visually. I’ll let you guys check it out ;) [Youtube]