Elves with Lightsabers [Video]
These ladies obviously need a little help with their lightsaber technique… but still… the video still isn’t all that bad I guess. [Via Geek Tyrant]
These ladies obviously need a little help with their lightsaber technique… but still… the video still isn’t all that bad I guess. [Via Geek Tyrant]
[VIa Comicbookcosplay]
If you have a geeky tattoo of your own and wish to have it featured on [Geeks are Sexy], be sure to send us a picture of it (click!) and once we’ve receive enough submissions, we’ll post the best ones in a picture gallery. Previously on [GAS]: Readersโ Ink: Sexy Geeks with Awesome Tattoos [Gallery] […]
No seriously: You guys are hot. [Eatliver]
On October 16th, 2005, Darth Vader did something most wouldn’t have expected of him: he got married! And you know what’s even more awesome? The lucky girl is one of our readers! Check it out! (Note: If you want to skip the traditional Star Wars intro, skip ahead to 0:56) Many thanks to Geeks are […]
Check out this awesome pair of fingerless Game Boy gloves by blogger MaDonna Flowers. These should allow you to keep on using your touch screen gadgets while keeping you hands relatively warm when winter comes knocking. [Source: MaDonna Flowers]
This may actually be even cooler than the amazingly sexy R2-D2 swimsuit we’ve featured on here in the past. [Via]
We can probably all agree that cosplayers attending events like SDCC, NYCC or Even MTLCC look really great, but until you’ve seen the costumes from people at Blizzcon, you’ve seen nothing. Many thanks to professional photographer Onigun for giving us permission to post some of his pictures here on [GaS]. I genuinely tried to find […]
I’m… I’m… I’m at a loss for words. What was I going to say? :) [Source: Liz-a-smurf | Via Obvious Winner]
Stephanie Bendixsen, queen of the gaming geeks. [Via]