Steampunk Octopi for the Home by Anthropologie

One of my favorite things about steampunk in general is the aesthetic and combining it into my own decor. But it’s not just about brass, knobs, and beakers. No, because steampunk takes from the Victorian period, it draws on some really stunning designs in fabric, wood, and architecture in general. The Steampunk Home is a […]

Contest: Help Us Design a T-Shirt, Get a T-Shirt + a $25 Gift Certificate!

Hey everyone, since we haven’t done any contests in a while, we thought of a little something to let you guys have a bit of fun. The idea is to think about some cool geeky quotes that would make for some interesting t-shirt designs. Just leave your suggestions in the comments section below, and early […]

Science is Sexy: How Does the Body Defend Against Diseases?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] We live in a world governed not by the biggest creatures, but by the smallest.  Our bodies act as vessels for all that we call “ourselves,” forming a barrier between “out there” and “in here.”  While that barrier is not as simple as a wall or a single membrane, […]

Google Nexus One Officially Unveiled

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] While news of this device leaked quite a while ago (and Google openly distributed it to their employees), the Google Nexus One still drew a crowd today, both online and at Google’s official launch event.  The new phone is similar to other Android devices, such as the popular Droid, but […]

Science is Sexy: Why Do We Get Sick More in the Wintertime?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Well it’s that time of year….of flu’s and rhinos (Rhinoviruses) and sniffles, OH MY! Yes, everyone seems to be getting sick. With all of these things going on, it might get you thinking…why now? Why do we always get sick more in the winter?  Well to answer that […]

Never Assume Anything About a Geek Girl

By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GaS] Share Unfortunately, though the world might be getting more and more geek friendly by the minute, being a geek girl is still difficult. So I’m appealing to you, Geeks Are Sexy readers, to consider a few things when approaching us in the, um, wild. I’m drawing on real experience […]

Ubuntu “Karmic Koala” 9.10: A Closer Look

Today, a new release of the popular free & open source operating system Ubuntu becomes available. This is release 9.10, code-named Karmic Koala. In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I could be a little biased, as I had a hand in the planning and development of the release. First, if you […]

The Five Ingredients for a Diabolically Geeky Halloween Party

We geeks have a leg up on this Halloween business, especially when it comes to parties and costumes. Sure, most of us have a few costumes ready for any convention prepped in the closet–but where’s the fun in that? True geeks will rise to the occasion every time and create unique, memorable costumes. Not to […]