This IS the droid we’ve been looking for! [Pic]

Yes, this is indeed the R2D2 swimsuit we’ve featured a few weeks ago, and since a few of you (mainly on Facebook) have shown interest in getting one, I thought you’d all like too see someone real actually wearing it. What? You think I’m posting this just because of the girl? Do you think I’m […]

Thoughts on Going PC: A Decade-Long Mac User Makes Peace with Microsoft

My post from a few weeks ago, detailing why I’d decided to switch to a PC from a Mac, really got some of your blood boiling. While there were a few folks utterly aghast at my decision to nix the shiny world of Apple for the starker, more sterile world of Microsoft, on the whole, […]

Robot Art on Display at MASS MoCa

Robot Art? Yes, indeed, you read that right. Starting October 23, 2010, visitors to MASS MoCA in North Adams, MA, are in for a big surprise: a work of art conceived and created without human hands. From designbloom: …diaz’s ‘geometric death frequency—141’, a sculpture made from 420,000 black spheres made and assembled by robotics. the […]

Meet the Jaguar C-X75 Concept Car: A 205 MPH Hybrid

Goodbye, Prius. If you’re the kind of geek who’s been waiting for a hybrid concept to come along that really turns heads, you’re in luck. Today, as part of its 75th anniversary, Jaguar has released one humdinger of a concept car that’s not only drop-dead gorgeous and energy efficient, but it goes fast, my friends. […]