The Samsung Galaxy S6 Has the Best Smartphone Display So Far

The battle for the smartphone market seems pretty cut throat. On one side, you have the iPhoners, and on the other side you seem to have the Androiders. But there have been a bevvy of competitors that have taken the smartphone game to new levels. One of those competitors is Samsung, whose popularity has spiked […]

10 Awesome Good Guy Robots from Movies

With Chappie coming out this month and looking to add another awesome ‘good guy’ robot to the cinematic universe, we figured what better time than now to come up with a list of some of our favorite good guy robots from the world of cinema. Keep in mind, there are dozens upon dozens of good […]

6 Reasons Nerd Culture Needs To Take a Good, Long Look at Itself

From Gamergate to the toxicity of our game heroes, Topless Robot has some interesting thoughts on why nerd culture may need to step back and take a good, long look at itself if it intends to evolve as a movement. The last half year has not been the brightest hour for nerds and nerd culture. […]

Adam Savage from ‘Mythbusters’ Recreated the Hedge Maze from ‘The Shining’

Say what you want about the Mythbusters guys, but they are nothing if not impressive. Lately, they have taken up some pop culture myths and have been working magic with them (the Simpsons episode being just one), but this time, Adam Savage does something mind-blowing (as if the stuff he normally does isn’t or something). […]

Top 10 Fictional Movie Universes

Man, there are so many awesome (fictional) universes in film, it is really hard to pick a favorite. Would you go high fantasy or science fiction? Dragons or space ships? That’s like trying to pick between ice cream cake and lasagna. Can’t we just have both? Well, this list is ten fictional movie universes that […]