What to Expect Now That Spiderman is Back in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe

It finally happened. Marvel and Sony and Disney and Jesus and whoever else may have been involved finally made the RIGHT choice to take Spiderman and put him into the Marvel universe, where he belongs. Though all sides have been trying to reach an agreement for some time, after the last Spiderman film tanked, seems the […]

Microsoft Will Finish Windows 10 in June

For those tapping your fingers together feverishly waiting for the newest OS for their PC’s, looks like Microsoft will be finishing up Windows 10 in June. While that may seem like a short time between announcement and release, they followed a very similar template with Windows 8, so it’s not like they can’t deliver on […]

The Exceptional Beauty of Doom 3’s Source Code

Doom 3 was not only great fun to play, but for the time, was an absolute marvel to look at. Truth is, the Xbox version still holds up visually to some of the better games from the last generation. This is coming solely from a video game player. But Kotaku had a developer come in […]

The Mountain from ‘Game of Thrones’ Breaks Thousand Year-Old Viking Record

How can anyone forget The Mountain from last season’s Game of Thrones. We’ll post no spoilers, so no worries, but we can say that the man lived up to the name. Played by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (no, I didn’t just sneeze), the actor is pretty much a mountain in real life, which he proved recently to […]

Geek Couple Enters the Fallout Universe for Engagement Photo Shoot [Picture Gallery]

After getting engaged at Comic Con last fall, Chris Love and Kara Kyser decided that since they are both huge geeks (and fans of the Fallout game franchise, obviously,) regular engagement photos just wouldn’t do and got into some classy post-apocalyptic style garbs for their engagement photoshoot. “We thought it would be fun to kind […]